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Book Writing and Publishing Courses

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Program 1: Saved By Nutrition

Do you have a story to tell? How have you been Saved By Nutrition? This course (live, interactive, online) is an introduction to create your very own story that will be featured in the Anthology Saved By Nutrition. This tool will put you ahead of other Nutritionists/Consultants as a published author and as a marketing tool to showcase you as a leader in your field. This is a 4-week course that you will be part of a group of your peers to enhance your own writing skills and understand who your audience is. CANNP will be proud to share qualified stories to help enhance our industry awareness to insurance agencies, politicians, etc.


Programs are ongoing and run for 4 weeks. Contact Michelle to find a class schedule that works for you.

(minimum 3 people, maximum 4 per class)
Class schedule: TBD, Reserve your spot Now!

Week 1 - Introduction, Why its important, Different facets of the Story, and more
Week 2 - Showcase your story, peer review and feedback, homework, editing skills
Week 3 - Showcase your changes, peer review and feedback, homework and debrief
Week 4 - Finish your story, create your bio, how to start using your story to improve your business

The price of this program is valued at over $1500.
You will get:
  • Hand-outs for reference
  • Peer review
  • How to use your story to increase your business
  • Added to the next Anthology, Saved By Nutrition for graduated, accredited Nutritionists/Consultants

"Hi Michelle!

OMG! is all I have to say. Thank you so much for all your input/suggestions and for pushing me :)
It feels absolutely amazing to get this out." - Louise B

All for the low cost of $197

June 1st, 2020 Prices will be subject to change

Saved by Nutrition Final 2020 Stand Alon
Program 2: How to Create and Publish Your Own Book - Made Easy

You have your story, why not create a fantastic and informative book to elevate your status even higher? This course (live, interactive on-line course) is an 8-week course where you will learn the easy ins-and-outs of book writing. No longer limited by limited space, you will be able to share how your experience and education has not only enhanced your own life, but you will be able to educate your readers with what you’ve learned


This program starts as soon as we have a minimum of 3 people ((or a maximum of 4 people) and runs for 8 weeks.

Class Schedule: TBD - Reserve your spot Now!

Minimum of 4 people, maximum of 8 people
Week 1 - Introduction, what it means to be a published author - homework outline
Week 2 - Review outline, how to start your chapters - homework 1-2 chapters
Weeks 3-7  - Homework review and suggestions - homework 1-2 chapters
Week 8 - How to finish your book, Copyright, gather testimonials

"Just had an amazing Zoom chat with the wonderful Michelle Lyn Post. She is helping me finalize my story for her book, "Saved By Nutrition" excited to get published! Once it's done my next project will be writing my VERY OWN BOOK! Thank you Michelle Lyn Post for everything and all of your encouragement, looking forward to the next steps #Published #YourStoryMatters #NutritionSaves #BelieveInYourself #DoWhatScaresYou" - Stacey B

The price of this program is valued at over $2000
You will get:
  • Hand-outs for reference
  • Peer review, and built in testimonials
  • How to use your book to increase your business
  • Valuable publishing information
  • Proper editing and tweaks
  • Amazing Collaboration with peers

All for the low cost of $497

June 1st, 2020, prices subject to change

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